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my return items not recive
by Seller_HHoU6lSFRP08W
Amazon replied

i returned my some items but i didnt recive

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Buyer Rejects Delivery, and I pay the charges???
by Seller_o4ftfrArynqte

We recently got a request from a buyer to cancel the order after it was already shipped. As this was not possible, buyer then rejected the delivery.

My question is...

1. Why has Amazon refunded the buyer without returning the item back to me? I don't see this item in refund/return request, or any other claim area on seller central.

2. Why has Amazon refunded the shipping fees on the item? Why should I pay for the shipping when the buyer cancelled late??

3. How can I claim this item cost & shipping cost back from Amazon now?

Any answers here will help.


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Buyer return
by Seller_uw9WistqxaOR2
Amazon replied

A buyer wants to return the product REASON BOUGHT BY MISTAKE after 22 days.

The buyer bought a Swatch wrist watch 22 days back and wants to return the product reason being, BOUGHT BY MISTAKE.

This is not fair to the seller, I haven't received the watch yet and don't know what condition it will be and whether will be able to sell it again.

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Unfair Review
by Seller_v6P0MghuiOdyZ

I sold an item on amazon FBM. Amazon broke the item while delivering. And I got a 1-star review stating that I'm selling broken items. And Amazon didn't bother to remove the rating. The only thing they did is remove the comment. How Is this fair? They told me to contact the buyer, but they aren't even opening their email. It was my first review, so this heavily impacts my sales. Amazon needs to take responsibility for breaking stuff in the shipping process!

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Our Safe-T claims keep on denied for past several months for the same reason, stating "based on the recent history". how can it be possible. Every time we provide proof of products and the condition of the boxes. but Bots sitting at Amazon send same reply every time even in the lost shipments. Customer's are exploiting this situation and Amazon treating it's sellers like beggars. pathetic service.

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Amazon Acount Review.
by Seller_HGQ4zhFsX9HLe
Amazon replied

Hey guys, if Amazon account goes under review, does the money come out after 30 days or even earlier?

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Request for Assistance Regarding a 1-Star Review
by Seller_yCMbOVZyVmYm4
Amazon replied

I'm seeking your assistance regarding a 1-star review that a customer left on one of my products. The customer stated that they used the item for about a month, after which it allegedly stopped working. While I am committed to providing high-quality products, I am concerned that this review may not accurately reflect the product’s performance and could negatively impact my business.

Could you please advise on how to address or remove such a review? Additionally, I would appreciate it if you could explain how Amazon ensures the authenticity of customer reviews, especially in cases where the feedback may not fully represent the item’s quality or performance.

This kind of review can significantly affect my business, and I want to make sure that the feedback on my products is fair and truthful.

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I hope this message finds you well. I'm reaching out to request your assistance in removing an unfair review for our product with ASIN B0BH8BPR8Y. The review was posted by customer [Moderator: content edited, customer name removed. Please refrain from posting customer information or any other personal information as per the Community Guidelines]

The issue is that the customer has claimed we are promoting our product as an "electrical pin" when, in fact, it is simply a metal pin made of stainless steel. We have never claimed it to be electrical in our listing, and the product images clearly show its material.

The customer's review is unnecessary and misleading, as it:

1. Accuses us of false advertising, which is not the case

2. Fails to acknowledge the clear product description and images

We have tried to respond to the customer and clarify the matter, but the review remains. Therefore, we kindly request your help in removing this review, as it negatively impacts our product's reputation and sales.

Please investigate this matter and take necessary actions to remove the review. We appreciate your time and assistance in maintaining a fair and accurate marketplace.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best regards,

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my return order not found
by Seller_Clj7de0jQsATV


This is here favorlay i need to know my products that will be returned from customer but i did not find any option create removel order or other option then i can find that so i dont know where is not restock in my listing and not be return so can anyone tell me how be possible to get that

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Irrelevant customer review
by Seller_v9TNPp2xeghRP
Amazon replied

Good day, everyone !

Hope someone had the same experience and can help with a word of advice.

Customer has left the review on the product page (negative one and rated 1 star), but not regarding the product itself but about the FBA issues.

He stated that only one item had been delivered instead of two. My products are fulfilled by Amazon.

I've messaged few times to Amazon support with no success. Also have reported the issue on the comments page with no result. Would love to hear any piece of advice from you.

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