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What's the Best Part of Being Your Own Boss?! 😎
by Seller_5WsK3rrVFyBk9

Hello Sellers 👋

What's the most fulfilling aspect of being your own boss? Is it bringing your ideas to life, helping your customers thrive, the personal growth or achieving financial independence through your business?

Share your greatest wins and the inspiration that fuels your passion below ⬇📝

Let's create a supportive community of driven sellers ✌


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Taxes, Translation, Content, and many other topics that business owners do need within their operations but don't necessarily know each and every related detail.

For that, I would like to invite you to check our Service Provider Network where you can find a list of trusted service providers in their domain of expertise.

You can choose the one you prefer based on your specific need, location or preferred language!

Once you choose the type of service you need and click on the search bar, you will have the filters appearing on your left, and for each provider you'll see a brief of what they offer, their starting price, the amount of requests to be contracted and also reviews left by those who dealt with them.

You can access the Service Provider Network directly from your Seller Central Account by clicking on "Explore Services"



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Do you need urgent help from Seller Support?
by Seller_5WsK3rrVFyBk9
Amazon replied

Hello Sellers,

I want to talk to you about a very interesting topic today. I'd like to share some practical tips to help you get responses from our Seller Support.

Here are 7 suggestions:

  • Choose the most relevant category for your enquiry. This ensures your case is routed to the appropriate team from the start, avoiding transfers.
  • Include screenshots whenever possible. Visual aids can clarify issues and prevent misunderstandings, saving time on back-and-forth emails.
  • If you haven't received a response, reopen the existing case instead of creating a new one. This prevents information from becoming scattered across multiple cases.
  • For new issues related to a previous case, reference the case number. This helps our agents quickly access the relevant information.
  • Be clear and specific about your question or expectations. Numbering multiple questions can help ensure none are missed.
  • Provide all necessary details upfront, such as order numbers, ASINs, tracking information, and dispatch dates. This allows our team to assist you more efficiently.
  • Respond to satisfaction surveys after your request is resolved. Your feedback helps us continually improve our processes and training.

Please feel free to share any additional suggestions you may have in the comments. We appreciate your input as we strive to provide the best possible service.



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Hi Sellers 👋

Up to some fun❓

Can you describe your product without mentioning what it is?

Could be what it serves for, its importance, something related to how it looks like or whatever you think could be helpful identifying it🤞

Me and other sellers will try to find out what is the product 🤔

Remember don't say what are you selling, others need to find out

Lets Go 😎Noor

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Question of the week 📝❓
by Seller_5WsK3rrVFyBk9
Amazon replied

Hello Sellers,

Which part of Selling online seemed complicated for you but Amazon's process made it smooth and easy?

Could be related to the Inventory, exposure to Customers, Shipping, or any other phase!

Let us know your experience in the comments below ✨



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Some positive vibes ✨
by Seller_BlIVJdYD3zD3G

Hello Sellers!

I'm here this time to ask you, what's the best comment you've received from a customer that you still remember until now?

Has this changed the way you feel about how impactful your work is?

Share the best feedbacks you've got in the comments👏


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Topic to focus on 👓
by Seller_BlIVJdYD3zD3G
Amazon replied

Hello Sellers!

Hope you are having a great week so far.

What do you think if we make a thread focusing on the Featured Offer?

Do you agree? Please use the thumbs up button to show it 👍

Do you suggest other topics? Please leave them in the comments 📝

My colleague @Seller_5WsK3rrVFyBk9 and me will follow up on your votes and suggestions, the post will remain open until Tuesday 16th of July.

Waiting for your feedback!


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What brings you to the Forums?
by Seller_BlIVJdYD3zD3G
Amazon replied

Hello Sellers,

My colleague @Seller_5WsK3rrVFyBk9 and me, the Community Managers, are always looking for ways to improve your experience on the UAE Seller Forums. To help us do that, we'd love to hear from you!

First of all, we'd like to know: What brings you to the Forums?

Are you looking for answers to specific questions? Do you want to learn from other Sellers and share your own experience? What topics are you most interested in?

Let us know what you find helpful, what you'd like to see more of, and anything else that's on your mind.

By understanding your needs, we can tailor the content and resources available on the Forums to be more relevant and valuable to you.

Please, share your suggestions, ideas, and preferences in the comments below.

Thank you for your time and participation!


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سبب زيارتكم للمنتدى
by Seller_BlIVJdYD3zD3G

! أهلا بكم

@Seller_5WsK3rrVFyBk9 وأنا نسعي إلى الاستماع إليكم لتحسين تجربتكم

؟ لمساعدتنا في ذلك نود أن نسألكم أولا ما سبب زيارتكم للمنتدى

هل تبحثون عن إجابات لأسئلة محددة؟ هل ترغبون في التعلم من بائعين آخرين ومشاركة تجربتكم الخاصة؟ ما هي المواضيع التي تهمكم أكثر؟

أخبرونا ما تجدونه مفيدًا، وما الذي تودون رؤيته أكثر، وأي شيء آخر يدور في ذهنكم

من خلال فهم احتياجاتكم، يمكننا تكييف المحتوى والموارد المتاحة على المنتديات لجعلها أكثر ملاءمة وقيمة لكم

في انتظاراقتراحاتكم وأفكاركم وتفضيلاتكم في التعليقات

! شكراً لوقتكم ومشاركتكم


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