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Generic listing problem
by Seller_Xmj3X4zHKjssQ

i create generic listing after some hour amazon send me mail about product

"Hello from Amazon,

" We are writing to let you know that the following detail pages have been removed from our catalog:

ASIN: B0DGF43ZNV, SKU: RZ-62ZO-VYRT, Title: Ant Killer TERRO Liquid ll T200, 2 oz This product has been identified as a pesticide which is prohibited from listing and sale on Amazon. "

But other Seller selling product in same category as generic..

Please update about this issue


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My listing got suddenly deactivated
by Seller_YNDdqsLINFlQp
Amazon replied

i had an enlisting on amazon which had performed very well on amazon for the past 5 month then all of a sudden it got deactivated with no reason saying :

We are accepting accepting applications to sell other health or personal care category in used or refurbished form

Though it was an FBA and the product is in very high quality and when you contact an associate they don't give you an answer

my question can the listing be fixed though amazon is not giving me the permission to edit the page

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If you are able to generate sale of average 30k per month and 50% of the sale price is the cost of products. What is the profit margin for sellers after subtracting all amazon fees (referral, delivery, refunds, etc). Or is there a method to do the calculation for a whole month's sales.

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listing error 8541
by Seller_5INWOifJbJGih
Amazon replied

i want giddiness about the error mentioned below on my listing ,while i already taken approval from amazon team but still same issue face

8541: The value 'Hamdard Carmina Plus - Hamdard Digestive Unani Herbal Natural - 120/Tablet 100% Natural Ingredents' specified cannot be used as it conflicts with the value 'Hamdard Carmina Plus for Indigestion,Loss of Appetite, Bloating (3 Bottles)' for ASIN 'B0CL3LZM51' in the Amazon catalogue. If this is ASIN 'B0CL3LZM51', update the value to match the ASIN data. If this is a different product, update identifying information (UPC/EAN/part number/etc.).

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update my product listing
by Seller_DfrQSRwLhJxmf
Amazon replied

8541: The value 'Beshor Hair Beauty Chocolate Bite. Most trusted formula for Healthier Thicker Longer Stronger HAIR. 40 White Chocolate Bites.' specified cannot be used as it conflicts with the value 'Beshor Hair Beauty' for ASIN 'B0D98N3BN8' in the Amazon catalogue. If this is ASIN 'B0D98N3BN8', update the value to match the ASIN data. If this is a different product, update identifying information (UPC/EAN/part number/etc.).

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compliance requirement
by Seller_EAHujSuLdCfsH
Amazon replied

hello my amazon team i am facing a problem in amazon compliance issue in uae for electronics i have updated compliance certification given by my agent from china and amazon is rejecting that i am selling laptop charger kindly please help me by commenting in this post what things i need to do to lauch it successfull

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Soon will kick out all the wholesalers
by Seller_SqVOohx90PQnR
Amazon replied

In UAE Amazon is warring against all the wholesalers and no one has the ability to compete with them because we have pay referral fee to Amazon and Amazon doesn't. As of today is selling almost everything even a product with monthly sales of 10 pcs.

So my prediction is that today or tomorrow Amazon is going to change the way it actually works, basically they are going to allow only manufacturers and brands to sell on their website directly or by partnering with Amazon.

So guys if you don't own your brand and just willing to become a overnight millionaire by wholeselling in UAE forget it and look for other ways to make money.

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to sell the aged inventory
by Seller_qUXBMCMv52bnN
Amazon replied

How to sell the aged inventory, still in Brand new condition.

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used items
by Seller_3uwr1xcM3sJWV

how to sell used mobile phones

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Hi community, I am going to list a supplement product "Shilajit" in UAE market with my brand and LLC. I am not sure if the test analysis report from PCSIR Pakistan (sourcing country) is good enough to provide the authenticity for my product. As I am the self manufacturer (direct source from mountains) of my product I can have the packaging invoices and the shipping invoice only with the testing report. Any guidance on this please..... I need a list of a documents I'll need to sell my product here successfully.

T H A N K ~ Y O U

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