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Request for Release of Blocked Funds AED 31,919.90

I am writing to follow up on my previous emails regarding the blocked funds amounting to AED 31,919.90 in my Amazon account. Despite multiple attempts to reach out for assistance, I have not received a satisfactory response or resolution to this matter.

These funds are essential to my business, and their prolonged inaccessibility has caused significant disruptions to my operations. I kindly request an immediate update on the status of my inquiry, as well as a clear explanation for the continued delay in resolving this issue.

Please treat this matter with the urgency it requires and provide me with a prompt response. I trust that Amazon values its customers and will take the necessary steps to address this situation without further delay.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

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Is there a reason for the funds to be on hold? Amazon typically gives you a reason for withholding the funds. The information is shared by email. Typically you would receive an email with the subject Review of your Amazon account, etc... We have had this several times when our sales have increased drastically or for other reasons. Sometimes the review process takes 20 days or more. We have had a situation where the review process drastically affected our business as we couldn't pay our suppliers. During the review period they might request for documentations and details that should be provided promptly. There isn't much you can do once you provide the documents, except wait for the review to be over.

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Dear share account health details why its happened? may be we can help u in order to resolve this case ?

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Hi @Seller_1mG5grsrDlQLL,

Thanks for reaching out to the Forums.

Can you please clarify why the funds have been blocked in the first place?



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Request for Release of Blocked Funds AED 31,919.90

I am writing to follow up on my previous emails regarding the blocked funds amounting to AED 31,919.90 in my Amazon account. Despite multiple attempts to reach out for assistance, I have not received a satisfactory response or resolution to this matter.

These funds are essential to my business, and their prolonged inaccessibility has caused significant disruptions to my operations. I kindly request an immediate update on the status of my inquiry, as well as a clear explanation for the continued delay in resolving this issue.

Please treat this matter with the urgency it requires and provide me with a prompt response. I trust that Amazon values its customers and will take the necessary steps to address this situation without further delay.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

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Request for Release of Blocked Funds AED 31,919.90

by Seller_1mG5grsrDlQLL

I am writing to follow up on my previous emails regarding the blocked funds amounting to AED 31,919.90 in my Amazon account. Despite multiple attempts to reach out for assistance, I have not received a satisfactory response or resolution to this matter.

These funds are essential to my business, and their prolonged inaccessibility has caused significant disruptions to my operations. I kindly request an immediate update on the status of my inquiry, as well as a clear explanation for the continued delay in resolving this issue.

Please treat this matter with the urgency it requires and provide me with a prompt response. I trust that Amazon values its customers and will take the necessary steps to address this situation without further delay.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

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Is there a reason for the funds to be on hold? Amazon typically gives you a reason for withholding the funds. The information is shared by email. Typically you would receive an email with the subject Review of your Amazon account, etc... We have had this several times when our sales have increased drastically or for other reasons. Sometimes the review process takes 20 days or more. We have had a situation where the review process drastically affected our business as we couldn't pay our suppliers. During the review period they might request for documentations and details that should be provided promptly. There isn't much you can do once you provide the documents, except wait for the review to be over.

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Dear share account health details why its happened? may be we can help u in order to resolve this case ?

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Hi @Seller_1mG5grsrDlQLL,

Thanks for reaching out to the Forums.

Can you please clarify why the funds have been blocked in the first place?



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Is there a reason for the funds to be on hold? Amazon typically gives you a reason for withholding the funds. The information is shared by email. Typically you would receive an email with the subject Review of your Amazon account, etc... We have had this several times when our sales have increased drastically or for other reasons. Sometimes the review process takes 20 days or more. We have had a situation where the review process drastically affected our business as we couldn't pay our suppliers. During the review period they might request for documentations and details that should be provided promptly. There isn't much you can do once you provide the documents, except wait for the review to be over.

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Is there a reason for the funds to be on hold? Amazon typically gives you a reason for withholding the funds. The information is shared by email. Typically you would receive an email with the subject Review of your Amazon account, etc... We have had this several times when our sales have increased drastically or for other reasons. Sometimes the review process takes 20 days or more. We have had a situation where the review process drastically affected our business as we couldn't pay our suppliers. During the review period they might request for documentations and details that should be provided promptly. There isn't much you can do once you provide the documents, except wait for the review to be over.

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Dear share account health details why its happened? may be we can help u in order to resolve this case ?

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Dear share account health details why its happened? may be we can help u in order to resolve this case ?

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Hi @Seller_1mG5grsrDlQLL,

Thanks for reaching out to the Forums.

Can you please clarify why the funds have been blocked in the first place?



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Hi @Seller_1mG5grsrDlQLL,

Thanks for reaching out to the Forums.

Can you please clarify why the funds have been blocked in the first place?



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