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safe-T claims denied everytime for last several months for the reason

Our Safe-T claims keep on denied for past several months for the same reason, stating "based on the recent history". how can it be possible. Every time we provide proof of products and the condition of the boxes. but Bots sitting at Amazon send same reply every time even in the lost shipments. Customer's are exploiting this situation and Amazon treating it's sellers like beggars. pathetic service.

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safe-T claims denied everytime for last several months for the reason

Our Safe-T claims keep on denied for past several months for the same reason, stating "based on the recent history". how can it be possible. Every time we provide proof of products and the condition of the boxes. but Bots sitting at Amazon send same reply every time even in the lost shipments. Customer's are exploiting this situation and Amazon treating it's sellers like beggars. pathetic service.

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safe-T claims denied everytime for last several months for the reason

by Seller_VUuZZcBPUaN0I

Our Safe-T claims keep on denied for past several months for the same reason, stating "based on the recent history". how can it be possible. Every time we provide proof of products and the condition of the boxes. but Bots sitting at Amazon send same reply every time even in the lost shipments. Customer's are exploiting this situation and Amazon treating it's sellers like beggars. pathetic service.

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