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amazon [Moderator: content edited for inappropriate commentary]

i saw they not reply me they not relase my money .if i start discussion they block me from here

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Hi @Seller_EoG6aI3tDNC67,

As you can see, you're not blocked, in fact, you were able to post and you're now receiving a reply.

I've edited your post for inappropriate commentary. We strive to make the Forums a safe place for interactions whether among Sellers or with Moderators. For that, the use of unprofessional language and/or terms is not accepted. You can check out the Community Guidelines for future reference.

I suggest you to provide information that could be useful to discuss your case if you have a specific issue, you can explain your situation and state any relevant case or claim IDs to check further or advise how to proceed.



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Dear Noman,

I hope this message finds you well. I understand the frustration you're going through with your payment being on hold, but please rest assured that this situation is quite common. In most cases, payments are temporarily held for about a month as part of the verification process. It's important to ensure that all necessary documents, such as a valid license and any other required paperwork, are properly submitted.

It seems like your account might be under review at the moment. My advice would be to avoid selling any further products until the pending amount is credited back to your account. From my experience, Amazon does not withhold money unfairly. As long as the proper documents are provided, they will release the funds in due time. If you don’t have a license or some other critical documents, please take this time to submit them to Amazon.

I know it can feel frustrating when you don’t get an immediate response, but starting a dispute or pushing too aggressively might lead to your account being blocked. Just give it some time, and I’m confident your full payment will be credited soon.

Thank you for your understanding, and stay patient!

Best regards,


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amazon [Moderator: content edited for inappropriate commentary]

i saw they not reply me they not relase my money .if i start discussion they block me from here

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amazon [Moderator: content edited for inappropriate commentary]

by Seller_EoG6aI3tDNC67

i saw they not reply me they not relase my money .if i start discussion they block me from here

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Hi @Seller_EoG6aI3tDNC67,

As you can see, you're not blocked, in fact, you were able to post and you're now receiving a reply.

I've edited your post for inappropriate commentary. We strive to make the Forums a safe place for interactions whether among Sellers or with Moderators. For that, the use of unprofessional language and/or terms is not accepted. You can check out the Community Guidelines for future reference.

I suggest you to provide information that could be useful to discuss your case if you have a specific issue, you can explain your situation and state any relevant case or claim IDs to check further or advise how to proceed.



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Dear Noman,

I hope this message finds you well. I understand the frustration you're going through with your payment being on hold, but please rest assured that this situation is quite common. In most cases, payments are temporarily held for about a month as part of the verification process. It's important to ensure that all necessary documents, such as a valid license and any other required paperwork, are properly submitted.

It seems like your account might be under review at the moment. My advice would be to avoid selling any further products until the pending amount is credited back to your account. From my experience, Amazon does not withhold money unfairly. As long as the proper documents are provided, they will release the funds in due time. If you don’t have a license or some other critical documents, please take this time to submit them to Amazon.

I know it can feel frustrating when you don’t get an immediate response, but starting a dispute or pushing too aggressively might lead to your account being blocked. Just give it some time, and I’m confident your full payment will be credited soon.

Thank you for your understanding, and stay patient!

Best regards,


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Hi @Seller_EoG6aI3tDNC67,

As you can see, you're not blocked, in fact, you were able to post and you're now receiving a reply.

I've edited your post for inappropriate commentary. We strive to make the Forums a safe place for interactions whether among Sellers or with Moderators. For that, the use of unprofessional language and/or terms is not accepted. You can check out the Community Guidelines for future reference.

I suggest you to provide information that could be useful to discuss your case if you have a specific issue, you can explain your situation and state any relevant case or claim IDs to check further or advise how to proceed.



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Hi @Seller_EoG6aI3tDNC67,

As you can see, you're not blocked, in fact, you were able to post and you're now receiving a reply.

I've edited your post for inappropriate commentary. We strive to make the Forums a safe place for interactions whether among Sellers or with Moderators. For that, the use of unprofessional language and/or terms is not accepted. You can check out the Community Guidelines for future reference.

I suggest you to provide information that could be useful to discuss your case if you have a specific issue, you can explain your situation and state any relevant case or claim IDs to check further or advise how to proceed.



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Dear Noman,

I hope this message finds you well. I understand the frustration you're going through with your payment being on hold, but please rest assured that this situation is quite common. In most cases, payments are temporarily held for about a month as part of the verification process. It's important to ensure that all necessary documents, such as a valid license and any other required paperwork, are properly submitted.

It seems like your account might be under review at the moment. My advice would be to avoid selling any further products until the pending amount is credited back to your account. From my experience, Amazon does not withhold money unfairly. As long as the proper documents are provided, they will release the funds in due time. If you don’t have a license or some other critical documents, please take this time to submit them to Amazon.

I know it can feel frustrating when you don’t get an immediate response, but starting a dispute or pushing too aggressively might lead to your account being blocked. Just give it some time, and I’m confident your full payment will be credited soon.

Thank you for your understanding, and stay patient!

Best regards,


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Dear Noman,

I hope this message finds you well. I understand the frustration you're going through with your payment being on hold, but please rest assured that this situation is quite common. In most cases, payments are temporarily held for about a month as part of the verification process. It's important to ensure that all necessary documents, such as a valid license and any other required paperwork, are properly submitted.

It seems like your account might be under review at the moment. My advice would be to avoid selling any further products until the pending amount is credited back to your account. From my experience, Amazon does not withhold money unfairly. As long as the proper documents are provided, they will release the funds in due time. If you don’t have a license or some other critical documents, please take this time to submit them to Amazon.

I know it can feel frustrating when you don’t get an immediate response, but starting a dispute or pushing too aggressively might lead to your account being blocked. Just give it some time, and I’m confident your full payment will be credited soon.

Thank you for your understanding, and stay patient!

Best regards,


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