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Advertisers across United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt, can add Arabic Keywords with any match type (exact, phrase or broad) to new or existing Sponsored Products campaigns via Ads Console, bulksheets or ads API.

Advertisers can discover recommended Arabic keywords in suggested tab when adding new keywords. Arabic search terms that don’t meet advertiser goals can be added as negative targets.

To start leveraging Arabic keywords feature, go to "Sign in to Amazon Ads", select the country and sign in.

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On September 5, 2024, the maximum durations of three different classes of coupons will be changed from 90 days to the following:

  • Standard coupons: 30 days
  • Reorder coupons: 180 days
  • Subscribe & Save coupons: 365 days

The maximum durations of these coupons are being differentiated to increase their impact, to distinguish various promotional offers, and to incentivize their use within specified timeframes.

Coupons that were issued before September 5 will not be affected by this update and may run as long as 90 days.

For more information, go to Create a coupon.

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Based on the suggestions from sellers like you, we’re changing the way we collect your feedback.

You can now give feedback after each email interaction with our support associates, even before your case is resolved. You can rate your satisfaction with the support you received and provide details in your own words.

Your feedback will help us improve support resources such as training, communication, and features.

To give feedback, click the survey link in the email you receive at the end of your support experience.

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UAE invoicing requirements
by News_Amazon
Amazon replied

With respect to your sales transactions, you're responsible to comply with all the legal and Tax or VAT requirements to issue and deliver compliant invoice to your customers for each order promptly after the shipment of the order has been confirmed.

Failure to comply, can result in Amazon processing a returnless refund that will be fully charged to you in case the invoice is not provided to the customer for an order within 3 business days (for high value listings, this threshold will be extended to 6 business days) upon the customer’s request.

For more information and guidance regarding invoicing, go to Quick reference: VAT Invoice for the customer.

If you are unsure about issuing tax or commercial invoice to a customer, we suggest that you contact your tax advisor.

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Updates to Prime Badging
by News_Amazon

We are now updating the delivery speed threshold for Prime Badging on eligible offers for Amazon Prime members. The members may see the Prime badge only on eligible offers with estimated delivery speed threshold of two days.

Prime eligible offers with delivery speed equal to or faster than the threshold will display the Prime Badge. Prime eligible offers with delivery speed longer than the current threshold will not receive the Prime Badge but a delivery message stating “Free delivery for Prime members.”

This message informs customers that one of the key Prime benefits, free shipping, remains available for that offer, although the offer has a delivery speed slower than most Prime eligible offers. This change doesn’t affect the search results of the customer.

For more information, go to Prime Badge FAQ.

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Starting September 5, 2024, we are updating our claim window eligibility. All manual claims must now be submitted within the following timelines:

  • Units missing from shipments sent to Amazon fulfillment centers: No sooner than 15 calendar days from the shipment delivery date but no later than 60 calendar days.
  • Inventory damaged at Amazon fulfillment centers: Within 60 calendar days from the date the unit is marked as 'Damaged at Amazon fulfillment centers' in Inventory Adjustment report.
  • Inventory misplaced at Amazon fulfillment centers: Within 60 calendar days from the date the unit is marked as 'Misplaced' in Inventory Adjustment report.
  • Damaged, Different or Incomplete (missing accessory or main item) units from a removal shipment received: Within 30 calendar days from the shipment delivery date.
  • Lost shipment during removals: No sooner than 15 calendar days from the shipment ship date but no later than 75 calendar days.

We understand that you may need to update your current processes to ensure that all claims are submitted within these new eligibility windows. To ensure you have adequate time to adjust, the new policy will go into effect on September 5, 2024.

Once the policy goes in to effect on September 5, 2024, the Summary of FBA reimbursement policies and requirements for lost and damaged inventory will be updated.

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In January, we announced that product detail pages for hardlines product types may display images from multiple sellers. In the coming months, we’ll expand to include both softlines and consumables product types. This change will help increase sales by providing customers more information on product detail pages to make informed purchase decisions.

Based on seller feedback, we’ve also made adjustments to how these images are selected and will prioritize brand owner images. We’ll only use Amazon or brand-registered sellers’ content if the required images are missing in the product detail page or to upgrade low-quality content, such as sketches or low-resolution images.

As a reminder, each product detail page must have at least three required images: one with the product on a white background, one with the product in an environment, and one with product information, such as dimensions or nutritional facts. To help us fulfill these requirements, these images will be automatically selected and displayed in an order that is helpful for customers.

To remove an incorrect or inaccurate image, contact Selling Partner Support.

For more information about image requirements, go to Product image requirements.

To learn how to add an image to the product detail page media block, go to Add product images and video.

To learn how to resolve potential issues, go to Image issues.

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Greetings from your Amazon Community Managers!
by Seller_BlIVJdYD3zD3G
Amazon replied

Hello Sellers!

My name is Noor, an Amazon Community Manager and a fellow human being like you😉

I will be trying my best to assist all of you, and I will definitely be waiting for your interactions and contributions to the Forums!

Have a good day all!


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To ensure that customers receive consistent product size information across all stores, we're implementing size normalization on search and product detail pages.

We use data from catalog attributes, including item dimensions, capacity, and unit count to present product size in a standardized format based on the customer's location.

This standardization helps customers compare products as they're shopping.

To add or update a product's size value, go to Manage Inventory.

For more information on included product types, go to the Size normalization FAQ.

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Last year, on search and product detail pages, to ensure that customers receive consistent product size information across all stores.

This year, we're expanding the scope of this feature to include additional product types, including pitchers, binoculars, and pressure cookers.

To add or update a product's size value, go to Manage Inventory.

For more information on included product types, go to the Size normalization FAQ.

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