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Drop off location in Al Ain?
by Seller_1ZgT1XPYLluY2
Amazon replied


is there any drop-off location in Al Ain?

its my first order, so i don't have packaging flyers, so do drop off hubs provide packets? Or Easy Ship agent option is good for me?

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How to self ship orders on Amazon?
by Seller_pO9B7geZOgGDg

Hi, I’m new to amazon and don’t know how to self ship items , does anyone know which 3rd party courier company would be better?

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Case Pending for more than 3 Months
by Seller_IOkoD5v9ONkXa
Amazon replied


Please request your support to resolve the Case 9857358842 raised with Seller Support more than 3 months ago. This is about FBA New Selection Program - where all our ASINs are eligible, but not showing Enrolled in the FBA New Selection Dashboard. Recently, we got charged for Storage for some ASINs even though there should not be any charge upto 120 days for any ASIN in the FBA New Selection Benefits. All our ASINs are added on or after 25th May, so we have not completed 120 days. Please help to resolve this case, as we are losing a lot of time and the related Benefits of FBA New Selection.

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I’m frustrated after five months dealing with Amazon FBA about my lost shipment (ID: FBA15HW866CF). Four units of HRV, worth over 10,000 AED and each weighing 5 kg, went missing. Despite providing all necessary proof, Amazon has given inconsistent and incorrect responses. I’m considering escalating the issue if it’s not resolved soon. Has anyone faced a similar problem? How did you resolve it?

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FBA - how to send to DXB5
by Seller_dg36iSJk7EpLe

hi ,

as a new new amazon seller i received FC appointment in DXB5 how can i send now should i go and handover if yes its difficult for me to do is there any other option available or any trusted carrier available in UAE please guide me at the earliest possible

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We are in need of a detailed consultation regarding shipping services, as we sell bicycles and would like to explore delivery options via Amazon. Our product dimensions are as follows:

• Length: 1750mm

• Width: 250mm

• Height: 1100mm

• Weight: ranging from 15-19kg

We would like to understand which shipping services we can use to deliver our products to nearby cities from Dubai and to Saudi Arabia, considering the size and weight of our packages.

Looking forward to your advice.

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5 days and no one came to pickup orders.
by Seller_XmuWMS5pJSKGh


Not sure what's happening with Amazon itself. But for straight 5 days no one came to pick up the order. We get the same robot response after submitting delay claim form.

Amazon's driver only came on the 2nd day. He didn't even come in fact, only asked us for our location (a simple search on Google Maps of our business name can guide him straight away to us). He ghosted us for 1 hour. Then another 2 hours he wouldn't answer any phone call. Later on he claimed that he was lost and not sure how to reach us. Then he said his supervisor would contact us. So far no one did.

Peak season, school starting, summer sale, etc.. of excuses sounds not fair. I myself had 2 days delivery from non-prime order from my personal account.

I will personally deliver the customers orders as on Monday it will be 10 days total delay since the customer placed the order. Our brand name in the customers eyes are already damaged, no one likes orders delays. Specially when it's at 10 days.

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Poly bag
by Seller_vtXuqmxd0jzY7

Hi Iam a new Amazon Seller. I would like to get some poly bag for packing my items. Can you please assist in this one.

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for past few days I observed that ATS courrier partner is not available. Now my stock is running out. In order to restock i have to send my products soon. Now the question is fulfillment centre is near my place. Can I ship products by myself and what documents and safety precautions require to deliver my shipment in the werehouse by myself? i saw an article it is written that I have to take PO and invoices matching with my shipment quantity AND I have wear reflactive jacket and safety boots.

or any other way to ship if it is not allowed to go there by myself?

please share your guidance.

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Invoices for the customers
by Seller_JW1JfqBniDDvJ


Just need to know, if we are required to send invoice for each order we receive or only if a customers request ?

Appreciate responses

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