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Display videos across related product detail pages

You can now share video content across detail pages of product variations, like different sizes and colors, with a quick hassle-free process.

Videos can provide customers with more information about your products and their variations such as size, color and packaging. Adding video content to product detail pages can increase customers’ confidence about their purchase decision.

To display your video content across related product detail pages, go to Upload and Manage Videos under "Catalog" and select "Upload video" on the right side of the page.

Go to "Upload and Manage Video" and the follow these steps:

  • Enter a "Title" for your video.
  • Enter ASIN in the "ASINs" text box.
  • Enable "Include ASINs’ product variations" to share your video content across related product variation detail pages.

It can take up to three days for videos to appear across your related product detail pages.

For more information about how to extend video content across product variation detail pages, go to Manage product videos FAQ.

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Display videos across related product detail pages

You can now share video content across detail pages of product variations, like different sizes and colors, with a quick hassle-free process.

Videos can provide customers with more information about your products and their variations such as size, color and packaging. Adding video content to product detail pages can increase customers’ confidence about their purchase decision.

To display your video content across related product detail pages, go to Upload and Manage Videos under "Catalog" and select "Upload video" on the right side of the page.

Go to "Upload and Manage Video" and the follow these steps:

  • Enter a "Title" for your video.
  • Enter ASIN in the "ASINs" text box.
  • Enable "Include ASINs’ product variations" to share your video content across related product variation detail pages.

It can take up to three days for videos to appear across your related product detail pages.

For more information about how to extend video content across product variation detail pages, go to Manage product videos FAQ.

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Display videos across related product detail pages

You can now share video content across detail pages of product variations, like different sizes and colors, with a quick hassle-free process.

Videos can provide customers with more information about your products and their variations such as size, color and packaging. Adding video content to product detail pages can increase customers’ confidence about their purchase decision.

To display your video content across related product detail pages, go to Upload and Manage Videos under "Catalog" and select "Upload video" on the right side of the page.

Go to "Upload and Manage Video" and the follow these steps:

  • Enter a "Title" for your video.
  • Enter ASIN in the "ASINs" text box.
  • Enable "Include ASINs’ product variations" to share your video content across related product variation detail pages.

It can take up to three days for videos to appear across your related product detail pages.

For more information about how to extend video content across product variation detail pages, go to Manage product videos FAQ.

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Display videos across related product detail pages

You can now share video content across detail pages of product variations, like different sizes and colors, with a quick hassle-free process.

Videos can provide customers with more information about your products and their variations such as size, color and packaging. Adding video content to product detail pages can increase customers’ confidence about their purchase decision.

To display your video content across related product detail pages, go to Upload and Manage Videos under "Catalog" and select "Upload video" on the right side of the page.

Go to "Upload and Manage Video" and the follow these steps:

  • Enter a "Title" for your video.
  • Enter ASIN in the "ASINs" text box.
  • Enable "Include ASINs’ product variations" to share your video content across related product variation detail pages.

It can take up to three days for videos to appear across your related product detail pages.

For more information about how to extend video content across product variation detail pages, go to Manage product videos FAQ.

Tags:News and Announcements
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Display videos across related product detail pages

by News_Amazon

You can now share video content across detail pages of product variations, like different sizes and colors, with a quick hassle-free process.

Videos can provide customers with more information about your products and their variations such as size, color and packaging. Adding video content to product detail pages can increase customers’ confidence about their purchase decision.

To display your video content across related product detail pages, go to Upload and Manage Videos under "Catalog" and select "Upload video" on the right side of the page.

Go to "Upload and Manage Video" and the follow these steps:

  • Enter a "Title" for your video.
  • Enter ASIN in the "ASINs" text box.
  • Enable "Include ASINs’ product variations" to share your video content across related product variation detail pages.

It can take up to three days for videos to appear across your related product detail pages.

For more information about how to extend video content across product variation detail pages, go to Manage product videos FAQ.

Tags:News and Announcements
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