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Buyer Rejects Delivery, and I pay the charges???

We recently got a request from a buyer to cancel the order after it was already shipped. As this was not possible, buyer then rejected the delivery.

My question is...

1. Why has Amazon refunded the buyer without returning the item back to me? I don't see this item in refund/return request, or any other claim area on seller central.

2. Why has Amazon refunded the shipping fees on the item? Why should I pay for the shipping when the buyer cancelled late??

3. How can I claim this item cost & shipping cost back from Amazon now?

Any answers here will help.


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Hello @SiestaSafari

This is the Amazon Policy, Buyer can refuse to accept the item at the time of Delivery (for COD Orders) or cancel the Order post shipment before receiving, and Amazon issues instant Refund to the Buyer. Sellers have to bear the Shipping/FBA Cost for all such cases. Your item will be available in the Inventory in 1-2 working days.

The only option is to "Report Abuse", but chances are slim to receive the money back.

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Thats the one of the down side of sellers here at amazon where we pay and suffer for things that we dont even responsible for it

there are many cases like that customer USE things and returns it and seller get a used product and pay double charges as well

so these are the policies that competitors and buyers and exploiting but amazon is silent because either way they are making money FROM US or FROM BUYER so its a win win for them

There must be check and balance for customers as well not just a BLIND REUTRN POLICY.

One customer returned the product REASON BOUGHT BY MISTAKE and we pay the charges it doesnot make sense at all

so after reading so many of our fellow sellers concerns i think its time for all of us starting finding other market places as well and start sale there where sellers are considered human fellows and have some rights as well

I hope our fair opinions dont gets effect on our accounts HEALTH.....

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doesnt seem there is any way as its stated in amazons policy so they dont care if u dont agree dont sell thats how they work kinda sad got so many customers like this

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Because you are not using integrated courier partner amazon only accept some of courier partners who integrated with amazon like Aramex & UPS &DHL.

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buyer return requst my 1 item and my amount detect my acount but item not return in my addres

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Same issue brother customer reject the product but i pay the charges

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Have you tried opening a case with seller support asking them to refund the orders marked as rejected by the buyer / undeliverable?

I have been getting my shipping fees reimbursed for a year now.

Below is the link from Amazon T&Cs regarding the situations when reimbursement is valid.

You will have to send the request within 30 days of the order rejection and also mention each order ID individually.

Hope this helps.

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This is only for easyship, for FBA you have to pay the charges

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i have faced a similar situation

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Buyer Rejects Delivery, and I pay the charges???

We recently got a request from a buyer to cancel the order after it was already shipped. As this was not possible, buyer then rejected the delivery.

My question is...

1. Why has Amazon refunded the buyer without returning the item back to me? I don't see this item in refund/return request, or any other claim area on seller central.

2. Why has Amazon refunded the shipping fees on the item? Why should I pay for the shipping when the buyer cancelled late??

3. How can I claim this item cost & shipping cost back from Amazon now?

Any answers here will help.


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Buyer Rejects Delivery, and I pay the charges???

by Seller_o4ftfrArynqte

We recently got a request from a buyer to cancel the order after it was already shipped. As this was not possible, buyer then rejected the delivery.

My question is...

1. Why has Amazon refunded the buyer without returning the item back to me? I don't see this item in refund/return request, or any other claim area on seller central.

2. Why has Amazon refunded the shipping fees on the item? Why should I pay for the shipping when the buyer cancelled late??

3. How can I claim this item cost & shipping cost back from Amazon now?

Any answers here will help.


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Hello @SiestaSafari

This is the Amazon Policy, Buyer can refuse to accept the item at the time of Delivery (for COD Orders) or cancel the Order post shipment before receiving, and Amazon issues instant Refund to the Buyer. Sellers have to bear the Shipping/FBA Cost for all such cases. Your item will be available in the Inventory in 1-2 working days.

The only option is to "Report Abuse", but chances are slim to receive the money back.

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Thats the one of the down side of sellers here at amazon where we pay and suffer for things that we dont even responsible for it

there are many cases like that customer USE things and returns it and seller get a used product and pay double charges as well

so these are the policies that competitors and buyers and exploiting but amazon is silent because either way they are making money FROM US or FROM BUYER so its a win win for them

There must be check and balance for customers as well not just a BLIND REUTRN POLICY.

One customer returned the product REASON BOUGHT BY MISTAKE and we pay the charges it doesnot make sense at all

so after reading so many of our fellow sellers concerns i think its time for all of us starting finding other market places as well and start sale there where sellers are considered human fellows and have some rights as well

I hope our fair opinions dont gets effect on our accounts HEALTH.....

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doesnt seem there is any way as its stated in amazons policy so they dont care if u dont agree dont sell thats how they work kinda sad got so many customers like this

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Because you are not using integrated courier partner amazon only accept some of courier partners who integrated with amazon like Aramex & UPS &DHL.

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buyer return requst my 1 item and my amount detect my acount but item not return in my addres

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Same issue brother customer reject the product but i pay the charges

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Have you tried opening a case with seller support asking them to refund the orders marked as rejected by the buyer / undeliverable?

I have been getting my shipping fees reimbursed for a year now.

Below is the link from Amazon T&Cs regarding the situations when reimbursement is valid.

You will have to send the request within 30 days of the order rejection and also mention each order ID individually.

Hope this helps.

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This is only for easyship, for FBA you have to pay the charges

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i have faced a similar situation

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Hello @SiestaSafari

This is the Amazon Policy, Buyer can refuse to accept the item at the time of Delivery (for COD Orders) or cancel the Order post shipment before receiving, and Amazon issues instant Refund to the Buyer. Sellers have to bear the Shipping/FBA Cost for all such cases. Your item will be available in the Inventory in 1-2 working days.

The only option is to "Report Abuse", but chances are slim to receive the money back.

user profile

Hello @SiestaSafari

This is the Amazon Policy, Buyer can refuse to accept the item at the time of Delivery (for COD Orders) or cancel the Order post shipment before receiving, and Amazon issues instant Refund to the Buyer. Sellers have to bear the Shipping/FBA Cost for all such cases. Your item will be available in the Inventory in 1-2 working days.

The only option is to "Report Abuse", but chances are slim to receive the money back.

user profile

Thats the one of the down side of sellers here at amazon where we pay and suffer for things that we dont even responsible for it

there are many cases like that customer USE things and returns it and seller get a used product and pay double charges as well

so these are the policies that competitors and buyers and exploiting but amazon is silent because either way they are making money FROM US or FROM BUYER so its a win win for them

There must be check and balance for customers as well not just a BLIND REUTRN POLICY.

One customer returned the product REASON BOUGHT BY MISTAKE and we pay the charges it doesnot make sense at all

so after reading so many of our fellow sellers concerns i think its time for all of us starting finding other market places as well and start sale there where sellers are considered human fellows and have some rights as well

I hope our fair opinions dont gets effect on our accounts HEALTH.....

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Thats the one of the down side of sellers here at amazon where we pay and suffer for things that we dont even responsible for it

there are many cases like that customer USE things and returns it and seller get a used product and pay double charges as well

so these are the policies that competitors and buyers and exploiting but amazon is silent because either way they are making money FROM US or FROM BUYER so its a win win for them

There must be check and balance for customers as well not just a BLIND REUTRN POLICY.

One customer returned the product REASON BOUGHT BY MISTAKE and we pay the charges it doesnot make sense at all

so after reading so many of our fellow sellers concerns i think its time for all of us starting finding other market places as well and start sale there where sellers are considered human fellows and have some rights as well

I hope our fair opinions dont gets effect on our accounts HEALTH.....

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doesnt seem there is any way as its stated in amazons policy so they dont care if u dont agree dont sell thats how they work kinda sad got so many customers like this

user profile

doesnt seem there is any way as its stated in amazons policy so they dont care if u dont agree dont sell thats how they work kinda sad got so many customers like this

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Because you are not using integrated courier partner amazon only accept some of courier partners who integrated with amazon like Aramex & UPS &DHL.

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Because you are not using integrated courier partner amazon only accept some of courier partners who integrated with amazon like Aramex & UPS &DHL.

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buyer return requst my 1 item and my amount detect my acount but item not return in my addres

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buyer return requst my 1 item and my amount detect my acount but item not return in my addres

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Same issue brother customer reject the product but i pay the charges

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Same issue brother customer reject the product but i pay the charges

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This post has been deleted
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This post has been deleted
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Have you tried opening a case with seller support asking them to refund the orders marked as rejected by the buyer / undeliverable?

I have been getting my shipping fees reimbursed for a year now.

Below is the link from Amazon T&Cs regarding the situations when reimbursement is valid.

You will have to send the request within 30 days of the order rejection and also mention each order ID individually.

Hope this helps.

user profile

Have you tried opening a case with seller support asking them to refund the orders marked as rejected by the buyer / undeliverable?

I have been getting my shipping fees reimbursed for a year now.

Below is the link from Amazon T&Cs regarding the situations when reimbursement is valid.

You will have to send the request within 30 days of the order rejection and also mention each order ID individually.

Hope this helps.

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This is only for easyship, for FBA you have to pay the charges

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This is only for easyship, for FBA you have to pay the charges

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i have faced a similar situation

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i have faced a similar situation

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