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Updates to Prime Badging

We are now updating the delivery speed threshold for Prime Badging on eligible offers for Amazon Prime members. The members may see the Prime badge only on eligible offers with estimated delivery speed threshold of two days.

Prime eligible offers with delivery speed equal to or faster than the threshold will display the Prime Badge. Prime eligible offers with delivery speed longer than the current threshold will not receive the Prime Badge but a delivery message stating “Free delivery for Prime members.”

This message informs customers that one of the key Prime benefits, free shipping, remains available for that offer, although the offer has a delivery speed slower than most Prime eligible offers. This change doesn’t affect the search results of the customer.

For more information, go to Prime Badge FAQ.

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Updates to Prime Badging

We are now updating the delivery speed threshold for Prime Badging on eligible offers for Amazon Prime members. The members may see the Prime badge only on eligible offers with estimated delivery speed threshold of two days.

Prime eligible offers with delivery speed equal to or faster than the threshold will display the Prime Badge. Prime eligible offers with delivery speed longer than the current threshold will not receive the Prime Badge but a delivery message stating “Free delivery for Prime members.”

This message informs customers that one of the key Prime benefits, free shipping, remains available for that offer, although the offer has a delivery speed slower than most Prime eligible offers. This change doesn’t affect the search results of the customer.

For more information, go to Prime Badge FAQ.

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Updates to Prime Badging

by News_Amazon

We are now updating the delivery speed threshold for Prime Badging on eligible offers for Amazon Prime members. The members may see the Prime badge only on eligible offers with estimated delivery speed threshold of two days.

Prime eligible offers with delivery speed equal to or faster than the threshold will display the Prime Badge. Prime eligible offers with delivery speed longer than the current threshold will not receive the Prime Badge but a delivery message stating “Free delivery for Prime members.”

This message informs customers that one of the key Prime benefits, free shipping, remains available for that offer, although the offer has a delivery speed slower than most Prime eligible offers. This change doesn’t affect the search results of the customer.

For more information, go to Prime Badge FAQ.

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