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Request for Shipping Consultation for Bicycle Delivery via Amazon

We are in need of a detailed consultation regarding shipping services, as we sell bicycles and would like to explore delivery options via Amazon. Our product dimensions are as follows:

• Length: 1750mm

• Width: 250mm

• Height: 1100mm

• Weight: ranging from 15-19kg

We would like to understand which shipping services we can use to deliver our products to nearby cities from Dubai and to Saudi Arabia, considering the size and weight of our packages.

Looking forward to your advice.

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Tags:Direct Shipping, Dropship, Shipping
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Request for Shipping Consultation for Bicycle Delivery via Amazon

We are in need of a detailed consultation regarding shipping services, as we sell bicycles and would like to explore delivery options via Amazon. Our product dimensions are as follows:

• Length: 1750mm

• Width: 250mm

• Height: 1100mm

• Weight: ranging from 15-19kg

We would like to understand which shipping services we can use to deliver our products to nearby cities from Dubai and to Saudi Arabia, considering the size and weight of our packages.

Looking forward to your advice.

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Tags:Direct Shipping, Dropship, Shipping
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Request for Shipping Consultation for Bicycle Delivery via Amazon

by Seller_YnXnBCrW2ma3S

We are in need of a detailed consultation regarding shipping services, as we sell bicycles and would like to explore delivery options via Amazon. Our product dimensions are as follows:

• Length: 1750mm

• Width: 250mm

• Height: 1100mm

• Weight: ranging from 15-19kg

We would like to understand which shipping services we can use to deliver our products to nearby cities from Dubai and to Saudi Arabia, considering the size and weight of our packages.

Looking forward to your advice.

Tags:Direct Shipping, Dropship, Shipping
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