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Amazon FBA for me is a loss making machine.

How did my product go from Best Seller to Zero Sales the moment it went out of stock? Why does no advertising work? I have sunk AED 1000+ on ads (all as per automated targeting and bids suggested by Amazon and negligible sales happened. Every month I’m seeing a negative ~ AED 600 on my balance and ten times I have written to Amazon - they say my listing is absolutely fine in search. In the meanwhile my capital is stuck in inventory and they keep sending “Poor Inventory Quality, Excess Inventory, low score” mails and when I ask Seller Support they say “You don’t have any issues with inventory”. I received 70% of my stock back for my “best seller which now has zero sales” ASIN (please note that I’m the only seller selling this product and there’s no buy box competition). And mysteriously I got zero information on who raised this “Removal Request”. I was told “it was by bill upload method”. I have written many support cases saying I’m already bankrupt with this way of working. Only canned responses.. hence putting up this post as a last resort and as a caution to new small sellers who might face the same problem in the future

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Amazon FBA for me is a loss making machine.

How did my product go from Best Seller to Zero Sales the moment it went out of stock? Why does no advertising work? I have sunk AED 1000+ on ads (all as per automated targeting and bids suggested by Amazon and negligible sales happened. Every month I’m seeing a negative ~ AED 600 on my balance and ten times I have written to Amazon - they say my listing is absolutely fine in search. In the meanwhile my capital is stuck in inventory and they keep sending “Poor Inventory Quality, Excess Inventory, low score” mails and when I ask Seller Support they say “You don’t have any issues with inventory”. I received 70% of my stock back for my “best seller which now has zero sales” ASIN (please note that I’m the only seller selling this product and there’s no buy box competition). And mysteriously I got zero information on who raised this “Removal Request”. I was told “it was by bill upload method”. I have written many support cases saying I’m already bankrupt with this way of working. Only canned responses.. hence putting up this post as a last resort and as a caution to new small sellers who might face the same problem in the future

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Tags:Advertising, New products, Search
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Amazon FBA for me is a loss making machine.

by Seller_v6nG8UT8TLCcV

How did my product go from Best Seller to Zero Sales the moment it went out of stock? Why does no advertising work? I have sunk AED 1000+ on ads (all as per automated targeting and bids suggested by Amazon and negligible sales happened. Every month I’m seeing a negative ~ AED 600 on my balance and ten times I have written to Amazon - they say my listing is absolutely fine in search. In the meanwhile my capital is stuck in inventory and they keep sending “Poor Inventory Quality, Excess Inventory, low score” mails and when I ask Seller Support they say “You don’t have any issues with inventory”. I received 70% of my stock back for my “best seller which now has zero sales” ASIN (please note that I’m the only seller selling this product and there’s no buy box competition). And mysteriously I got zero information on who raised this “Removal Request”. I was told “it was by bill upload method”. I have written many support cases saying I’m already bankrupt with this way of working. Only canned responses.. hence putting up this post as a last resort and as a caution to new small sellers who might face the same problem in the future

Tags:Advertising, New products, Search
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