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Now provide more often feedback about your support case

Based on the suggestions from sellers like you, we’re changing the way we collect your feedback.

You can now give feedback after each email interaction with our support associates, even before your case is resolved. You can rate your satisfaction with the support you received and provide details in your own words.

Your feedback will help us improve support resources such as training, communication, and features.

To give feedback, click the survey link in the email you receive at the end of your support experience.

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Now provide more often feedback about your support case

Based on the suggestions from sellers like you, we’re changing the way we collect your feedback.

You can now give feedback after each email interaction with our support associates, even before your case is resolved. You can rate your satisfaction with the support you received and provide details in your own words.

Your feedback will help us improve support resources such as training, communication, and features.

To give feedback, click the survey link in the email you receive at the end of your support experience.

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Tags:News and Announcements
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Now provide more often feedback about your support case

by News_Amazon

Based on the suggestions from sellers like you, we’re changing the way we collect your feedback.

You can now give feedback after each email interaction with our support associates, even before your case is resolved. You can rate your satisfaction with the support you received and provide details in your own words.

Your feedback will help us improve support resources such as training, communication, and features.

To give feedback, click the survey link in the email you receive at the end of your support experience.

Tags:News and Announcements
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