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5 days and no one came to pickup orders.


Not sure what's happening with Amazon itself. But for straight 5 days no one came to pick up the order. We get the same robot response after submitting delay claim form.

Amazon's driver only came on the 2nd day. He didn't even come in fact, only asked us for our location (a simple search on Google Maps of our business name can guide him straight away to us). He ghosted us for 1 hour. Then another 2 hours he wouldn't answer any phone call. Later on he claimed that he was lost and not sure how to reach us. Then he said his supervisor would contact us. So far no one did.

Peak season, school starting, summer sale, etc.. of excuses sounds not fair. I myself had 2 days delivery from non-prime order from my personal account.

I will personally deliver the customers orders as on Monday it will be 10 days total delay since the customer placed the order. Our brand name in the customers eyes are already damaged, no one likes orders delays. Specially when it's at 10 days.

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5 days and no one came to pickup orders.


Not sure what's happening with Amazon itself. But for straight 5 days no one came to pick up the order. We get the same robot response after submitting delay claim form.

Amazon's driver only came on the 2nd day. He didn't even come in fact, only asked us for our location (a simple search on Google Maps of our business name can guide him straight away to us). He ghosted us for 1 hour. Then another 2 hours he wouldn't answer any phone call. Later on he claimed that he was lost and not sure how to reach us. Then he said his supervisor would contact us. So far no one did.

Peak season, school starting, summer sale, etc.. of excuses sounds not fair. I myself had 2 days delivery from non-prime order from my personal account.

I will personally deliver the customers orders as on Monday it will be 10 days total delay since the customer placed the order. Our brand name in the customers eyes are already damaged, no one likes orders delays. Specially when it's at 10 days.

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5 days and no one came to pickup orders.

by Seller_XmuWMS5pJSKGh


Not sure what's happening with Amazon itself. But for straight 5 days no one came to pick up the order. We get the same robot response after submitting delay claim form.

Amazon's driver only came on the 2nd day. He didn't even come in fact, only asked us for our location (a simple search on Google Maps of our business name can guide him straight away to us). He ghosted us for 1 hour. Then another 2 hours he wouldn't answer any phone call. Later on he claimed that he was lost and not sure how to reach us. Then he said his supervisor would contact us. So far no one did.

Peak season, school starting, summer sale, etc.. of excuses sounds not fair. I myself had 2 days delivery from non-prime order from my personal account.

I will personally deliver the customers orders as on Monday it will be 10 days total delay since the customer placed the order. Our brand name in the customers eyes are already damaged, no one likes orders delays. Specially when it's at 10 days.

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