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Update to how product detail page images are selected

In January, we announced that product detail pages for hardlines product types may display images from multiple sellers. In the coming months, we’ll expand to include both softlines and consumables product types. This change will help increase sales by providing customers more information on product detail pages to make informed purchase decisions.

Based on seller feedback, we’ve also made adjustments to how these images are selected and will prioritize brand owner images. We’ll only use Amazon or brand-registered sellers’ content if the required images are missing in the product detail page or to upgrade low-quality content, such as sketches or low-resolution images.

As a reminder, each product detail page must have at least three required images: one with the product on a white background, one with the product in an environment, and one with product information, such as dimensions or nutritional facts. To help us fulfill these requirements, these images will be automatically selected and displayed in an order that is helpful for customers.

To remove an incorrect or inaccurate image, contact Selling Partner Support.

For more information about image requirements, go to Product image requirements.

To learn how to add an image to the product detail page media block, go to Add product images and video.

To learn how to resolve potential issues, go to Image issues.

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Update to how product detail page images are selected

In January, we announced that product detail pages for hardlines product types may display images from multiple sellers. In the coming months, we’ll expand to include both softlines and consumables product types. This change will help increase sales by providing customers more information on product detail pages to make informed purchase decisions.

Based on seller feedback, we’ve also made adjustments to how these images are selected and will prioritize brand owner images. We’ll only use Amazon or brand-registered sellers’ content if the required images are missing in the product detail page or to upgrade low-quality content, such as sketches or low-resolution images.

As a reminder, each product detail page must have at least three required images: one with the product on a white background, one with the product in an environment, and one with product information, such as dimensions or nutritional facts. To help us fulfill these requirements, these images will be automatically selected and displayed in an order that is helpful for customers.

To remove an incorrect or inaccurate image, contact Selling Partner Support.

For more information about image requirements, go to Product image requirements.

To learn how to add an image to the product detail page media block, go to Add product images and video.

To learn how to resolve potential issues, go to Image issues.

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Update to how product detail page images are selected

by News_Amazon

In January, we announced that product detail pages for hardlines product types may display images from multiple sellers. In the coming months, we’ll expand to include both softlines and consumables product types. This change will help increase sales by providing customers more information on product detail pages to make informed purchase decisions.

Based on seller feedback, we’ve also made adjustments to how these images are selected and will prioritize brand owner images. We’ll only use Amazon or brand-registered sellers’ content if the required images are missing in the product detail page or to upgrade low-quality content, such as sketches or low-resolution images.

As a reminder, each product detail page must have at least three required images: one with the product on a white background, one with the product in an environment, and one with product information, such as dimensions or nutritional facts. To help us fulfill these requirements, these images will be automatically selected and displayed in an order that is helpful for customers.

To remove an incorrect or inaccurate image, contact Selling Partner Support.

For more information about image requirements, go to Product image requirements.

To learn how to add an image to the product detail page media block, go to Add product images and video.

To learn how to resolve potential issues, go to Image issues.

Tags:News and Announcements
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