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Same Old age question, Invoicing customer

Hello Amazon team and everyone else

I see a new section in my manage order section when a new order comes, it comes with it like "No Invoice Uploaded"

I am an FBM seller and I am not legally required to send invoices, yea sure i can send commercial invoices but is that compulsory or i am only required to send the commercial invoices only when the customers ask for it. ?

that's the main part please amazon reply to that @Adam_Amazon_ @Noor_Amazon_ is it compulsory or im only required to send commercial invoices only when customers ask for it ?

Thank you in advance

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Tags:Billing, Payments, Policy, Tax documents, Taxes
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Same Old age question, Invoicing customer

Hello Amazon team and everyone else

I see a new section in my manage order section when a new order comes, it comes with it like "No Invoice Uploaded"

I am an FBM seller and I am not legally required to send invoices, yea sure i can send commercial invoices but is that compulsory or i am only required to send the commercial invoices only when the customers ask for it. ?

that's the main part please amazon reply to that @Adam_Amazon_ @Noor_Amazon_ is it compulsory or im only required to send commercial invoices only when customers ask for it ?

Thank you in advance

Tags:Billing, Payments, Policy, Tax documents, Taxes
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Same Old age question, Invoicing customer

Hello Amazon team and everyone else

I see a new section in my manage order section when a new order comes, it comes with it like "No Invoice Uploaded"

I am an FBM seller and I am not legally required to send invoices, yea sure i can send commercial invoices but is that compulsory or i am only required to send the commercial invoices only when the customers ask for it. ?

that's the main part please amazon reply to that @Adam_Amazon_ @Noor_Amazon_ is it compulsory or im only required to send commercial invoices only when customers ask for it ?

Thank you in advance

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Tags:Billing, Payments, Policy, Tax documents, Taxes
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Same Old age question, Invoicing customer

Hello Amazon team and everyone else

I see a new section in my manage order section when a new order comes, it comes with it like "No Invoice Uploaded"

I am an FBM seller and I am not legally required to send invoices, yea sure i can send commercial invoices but is that compulsory or i am only required to send the commercial invoices only when the customers ask for it. ?

that's the main part please amazon reply to that @Adam_Amazon_ @Noor_Amazon_ is it compulsory or im only required to send commercial invoices only when customers ask for it ?

Thank you in advance

Tags:Billing, Payments, Policy, Tax documents, Taxes
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Same Old age question, Invoicing customer

by Seller_ZJbbNRcvNpxJN

Hello Amazon team and everyone else

I see a new section in my manage order section when a new order comes, it comes with it like "No Invoice Uploaded"

I am an FBM seller and I am not legally required to send invoices, yea sure i can send commercial invoices but is that compulsory or i am only required to send the commercial invoices only when the customers ask for it. ?

that's the main part please amazon reply to that @Adam_Amazon_ @Noor_Amazon_ is it compulsory or im only required to send commercial invoices only when customers ask for it ?

Thank you in advance

Tags:Billing, Payments, Policy, Tax documents, Taxes
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